domingo, 3 de junio de 2012

shooting at Toronto's Eaton shopping centre

1 person has been killed and 7 others injured ,the crime starts at the food court of the shopping center, a man who works there said he saw a man pulling out a gun and fireing around ,the  man who's killed was a 25 years old boy which was the main target ,he was shooted a twies in the chest ,a 13 years old boy was seriously injured and two others also ,and the other fours were injured but not high seriously ,people says they only saw people running around screaming ,the shooping center was in a totaly caos and panic ,the man shots 15 time when the people starts running out by the exits ,in the pnic 2 man were trampled down and also a pregnant women , the polici of canada hoppes that the people can help to catch the responsibel ,the last similar case was 2005 .

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