miércoles, 6 de junio de 2012

Final reflection

Finally ! The school year has finished .
To start the final reflection I start with my auto reflection where I improved and were not .
Where I improved ? I think I improved in my speaking I think I spell with more fluency ,and I use more new words , I think that I also improved in verbs and the phrasal verbs also . But if I look at the marks of my redactions I can't believe it ,I had better marks last year and at the start , what I mean is that ,because I want to  improve in my text using new words or I try to make larger sentences I become  worse than at the beginning and people who has no idea what they are writing, who don't pass exams ,becomes a better mark I ask me  if the people don't think "that’s suspicious"?
But however I'm happy that I improve my spelling in English .
Well the  best activity which shows our English is the oral presentation I think because ,there you can't cheat the teacher ,and all the people look at you, that's the time who shows if you can or not speak well .
I think its the best  activity because there you use all the sources of the whole course.
Which activity I found its not useful ? Let me think , the blue big book  its completely useless ,the people copy  the answer of the back of the book ,if you want that we improve in the use of the verbs I think you should gives us books without the answers, and the classes in the language room are the useless of the whole    year ,we hasn't make something to improve .
And for the next year I want do the oral presentation ,I is the most enjoying  activity ,and the best for all ,there we can see the level of all and for the teacher is it better ,than making this blog because all we know you don't have a big willing to correct the texts (:P).
so that was my final reflection of this year . I hope it is correct what I posted .

domingo, 3 de junio de 2012


Remains of Spanish man discovered after 15 years

The skeleton of Vicente benito ,wich would be now 73 was found in the corridor of his house after 15 years after his last seen in the village of Canizal .
The only money in the house was pesetas  ,all the village thought he moved away soo they don't carry about him . Mr .Benito worked as a shepherd,and the people thought he moved too portugal in search of work ,the story cames out whe the nephew broke into the house to see whyit is always closed ,or whatever ,he broke  into the house by the backwindow and there he saw the partialy clothedbody .
R.I.P   Mr Benito

shooting at Toronto's Eaton shopping centre

1 person has been killed and 7 others injured ,the crime starts at the food court of the shopping center, a man who works there said he saw a man pulling out a gun and fireing around ,the  man who's killed was a 25 years old boy which was the main target ,he was shooted a twies in the chest ,a 13 years old boy was seriously injured and two others also ,and the other fours were injured but not high seriously ,people says they only saw people running around screaming ,the shooping center was in a totaly caos and panic ,the man shots 15 time when the people starts running out by the exits ,in the pnic 2 man were trampled down and also a pregnant women , the polici of canada hoppes that the people can help to catch the responsibel ,the last similar case was 2005 .

jueves, 31 de mayo de 2012

Israel returns the remains of Palestinian bodies

Israel  returnet 91 bodys od palestinants who died in the israelian zone , the 91 bodys belongto suicidebombers and militatns which were in mission to kill people in israel . There are body which are in israel since 1975 .
The body were returned to break a mass hunger of the palestinian prisoners , they were araound 1500 prisoners who refused the food .
Now ,I think that they made a mistake retourning the bodys ,because they shows that they are not more strong ,but they are also the other side they make well because it can be a sight of tolerance.

miércoles, 23 de mayo de 2012

(6) eight days to euro cup

 finally the european football cup returns , I think this year it would be interesting just at the start because if we look at the groups we see for example that germany ,the netherlands ,portugal and danemarck are in the same group 3 big countris just start the trip compiting eachother , it will beinteresting ,I hoppe this year wins germany the cup I think they are a young team but the best ,spain is good but they are to old ,the same happens with  the netherlands,but i think England can be a hard team altaught lappard can't play , what more france can have a chance but I think not a the biggest i realy hoppe that germany wins the cup soo I can be happy and laught a bit about my friends  because they make the same with me the last european cup
And finally i think i will buy me the football shirt of the german team . I want see amaizing matches this time!!!