domingo, 4 de marzo de 2012


News 3 military secret revealed

Since a couple of days .the world knows that the U.S army not oly make experiment with animals ,they make it also with soldiers . the story cames out when a Soldier told this story he explains his own story he join the army when he was 18 and he also join a project which was a project of the experimental using with military services , clothes ,armory ,etc ,when he arrived at the place he see that it wasn't a military base it looked like an hospital when the young soldier stops and thought a moment the general says him that he must do it because when he did't make it he will go into the jail . I always say that the military world has secrets but i didn't know that the american army which always was patriotic use american people to make experiments .

news 2 klitschko wins

yesterday the world champion in hevy weight champion chip vladimir klitschko wins the fight against Jea-mark marmek ,in the 4 round klitschko punch him with an left right combination in to the knokout jean mark was not amused because the jury stoped the fight because they think Jean mark can't fight anymore ,Jean marck says it was fair because he stands up befare the referer arrives the ten seconds , at the arena tey where 50 thousend fans who came to see the 50 K.O of Klitschko ,i saw the fight and i must say it was boring ,jean marck didn't punch any time befaore the referer stoped the fight jean marck falls 2 times on the ground ,klitschko make it easy .
the laser show at the beging of the fight was most spectacular than the fight ,but I'm still fan of klitschko !

news 1 explsion in KONGO

200 persosn dies and 1500 are gravely hurted by an explsion of an armor depot in the capital of Kongo (southafrica) the explosion was generated by a fire in the nearly house ,because of the big explosion some of the houses around of the depot cames down ,the people who was hurted was brought into the nerly hospitals some soldier must made firstaid to rescue people from death, some people things the fire was made by some rebels of the countrie ore some soldiers who was not amuset about the things they happened,the first explosion was heard even at the nearly country .
in the houses are alsoe people who can't came out and from the depot is still coming out a big mas of smoke .

(6) facebook

Facebook is a social network comunity.At the beginningit was made for students and professors of the university to change theier info with each other .But it didn't work soo ,Facebook turned into a the biggest biggest social network of the world . All the people in the world have an acount in facebook even the Queen has one.
I facebook you can chat with other people upload videos and pictures,post something on your wall or other walls .you can make friends around the world,its funny.
they always put new things in facebook the latest update whas that you can make now videochats .
I like it a lot ,It's part of my social life when I'm at homeand borred I chat with someone or I watch some pictures or i vist the walls of friends and uptodate with my friends.
They are people who think it is bad,its addictive. but i don't think soo.I think we are addictive but not on facebook we are addictive on information,bit it was always soo, we are watching TV ore listening to the radio. They are wellof informationlike facbook.
Facebook is great and I like it a lot .Facebook makes my day richer in information Soo... Get your facebook acount ,get on and have fun.

(5) Fashion today

Now a day , the boys and girls love the hip-hop life style.
To love this life they also need to wear their clothes.
The fashion empire has new friends,the coolhunters and trendsetters.I'm going to say how they work , the designer make the sneakers or watheve, thanhey give it to the coolhuntersand they ask boys and girls if they want to wear their clothes or schoos.
They say Awe!! and agree they only must wear their things and say to people that it is great and fashionable and BOOM! people turns into customers.
The boys today are so many manipulative there are soo many boys that say they like Nike more than their girlfriends .
I must say the fashion industry has us undercontol !!

(4) A description

Jhon is the friend that I'm going to talk about .
Jhon is a boy ,he is twenty years old, he is tall ,and strong and he is blond.
He normally wears tight fitting clothes ,he wears ,them because he says " the girls like to see some power"Jhon is totally crazy , he's always in trouble,but he is also clever .he is at university studying psychology,it is very strange because he doesn't look like a nerd.
He is a friendlyand kind person,but he turns into a wild bull ,when he gets mad,it is impossible to stop him, he only sees red,thats why he is always in trouble,because he isn't pacient to people who's kidding him.
Jhon doesn't smoke or drink.he says that he is a healthy person.
what more can I say? Yes ,he is always laughing ,he doesn'tlike people who are anoying and two faced.
That was the description of a good friend who I know since 2007

(3) my birthday

my birthday,it will be my 18 soo it must be big . I didn't know it realy secure but i think i will do this: we meet us ( friends) in a restaurant ,than we will go to my restaurant and I invite all the people to a barrel of beer and 5 liter of a good licor ,and than we walk to chic and make some more party. I didn't how i can invite to my party because I will have all my good friends but its dificult because im from a nother village and i have friends there and in castello ,what really do is to invite the class of 2 batx and friends of roses ,and some one of the classe of 1 batx , we will be a lot of people i hoppe they wouldn't be problems ,I didn't expect presents I only what to have a great time with all my friends . And of cours at the morning i will celebrate with my family i hoppe my grandmother came at home and we can eat some pie all the family ,I think it will be great !

(2) mallorca

Mallorca ! thats the pleace where I go with some friens ,we go there on the 21 and came back the 24 .I'm going to explain what we ara going to do ,I'm going to figueres with 2 other friends the 20 th than we must take the train at 8 o'clock we arribe in barcelona at barcelona at 10 o'clock than we take the train to the aerport i think we will arribe there at 11 o 'clock the we must stay there still at 8 am we must make this because our fathers didn't whant to bring us at the aerport on 6 am hahah but its not bad . now we take off at 8 am we arribe in palma at 9 am and find our other friends tha we go to the hotel take out our package and party party party ,we will go to the beach ,to bars to discos ,meet some girls and make a big party because the 23 th is the birthday of a friend which came with us it will be amaizing i can't wait anymore I if i could i would be in mallorca Tomorrow :)

(1) carnival 2012

Its was simply great !!!, It was the first time that i taked part on the carnival walk ,a walk from the start of roses to the end of roses ,we was dressed like Jessy ( the cowgirl from the film toystory) they was a lot of good music ,a lot of drink and food and a lot of people and friends ,only in the club which i was ,we were 200 persons and in all the carnival they were 76 clubs who taked part .The walk take part 3 days ,freeday night ,saturnday afternoon and sunday morning , it was great all the days but they was also a bad things at all the carnival they were 15 teenager who falled in a etilich coma ,its not very nice ,but i must say if they didn't know how much they can drink they shouldn't strat to drink .But in all its was great ,staying with all my friend and make party!!

The film : Frankenstein monster

Its a sad history about a Obseced Cientist ,Victor frankenstein is obsced with creating life ,he grews up with out a mother ,and he falled in love with his adoptive sister a girl which cames from a poor family . Victor went to the universiti to turn into a great doctor ,there he meets a professor which also things a bout creating life but he is to old to make i and gives Victor all his notes ,to make real his dream ,Victor make bad things ,he buys parts of dead bodys or steal them from graveyards .he make it !!! he creats a ugly man who is huge and stronger than every man in the world.
This monster whant only one thing Love .Victor howes afraid of the his creation scape ,the monster takes revenge and kill one by one all his family ,finaly Victor dies and the monster was soo sad thath he killed him self .

Oral Presentation