domingo, 20 de noviembre de 2011

my oral presentation .

Virginia Woman Returns Book to Library After 25 Years

thats nice because i make the same one tima haha
a woman returns a book after 25 years .
I think i can explain anthing the titel explains all
the only thing that i can say is that I make a similar thing .I borowed a book and a CD and i make some homeworks with them but i have forgotten to return the books ,and one day 4 month later The library phoned me and asked ,if i will return the book .
I explained them that I have completely forgoten them and nothing more . They forbiden me to take a book for 1 month hahah but it wasn't so bad i laught a lot .

Family Gets Lost in Corn Maze, Calls Police for Help

hahaahah thats funny .A family get lost in a corn maze .
the family was making a picninc whe thay strat to enter in to the maze .Than ,hours later the mother beguns to have panic and calls the police to find them a police officer went there and found the family 25 feets from the street hahah .
Some times I ask me how mad can people be today .
Thats my opinio no body can be so mad to enter in a maze if they didn't know the maze haha

100-Year-Old Man Completes Marathon

thats incredible .
i couldn't belife it whe i read this new .a man who is 100 years old complets a marathon about 43 km in 8 hours .
i think thats a very good prediction of the healt of the people today . we will life longer and longer but i think when we life so much it isn't so good because you lose your sight ,and all your you thinks that make the life . And i prefer to die before I tranform in a old man wich needs help to do all wath he must do .i think that isn't a good life .
but this guy is amaizing ,i hope i will be in the same fisical form than he when i'm 100 years old hehehe . I think he is a signal to all the old people in the world to say that they aren't dead now and thay can make thinks real .like this .this man has a place in the guines book of records ,for this marathon .

1 in 5 Americans on Mental Health Drugs

I think thats true because of the time in that we life all must go soo fast and it must be perfect .that the people of today shows a ingreas in depression and stress.
i have friends which are going to the psicoleg and must take pils to have under conrol her mind .
depression is also an factor wich can be passed from mother to daughter or son and that means that if today are so much people who have depression their childres can have this mental problem .
I tink thats is one of the part of our body what we must study more to be 100% sure .

My year in castello 2

This year I must do another time the first batxillerat because I had bad marks and i didn' pas.
This year i changed some clases haha ,now I'm doing biologi,maths ,thecnicaldrawing ,and cience of the earth . I like my new subjects there are so i think more interesting i learn a lot of new things and I have much better marks than last year haha .
There are new teachers and old teachers but i think that they can explain us better than last year but I also think they have a lot of problems with my clas because they make a lot of things what they souldn't do but it is always so in a clas.
What I also think my new clas is not like the other ,this one all are friends but in the clas of the last year they was like brothers and sisters .
I some times i wich that i pas the clas and be at second batxillerat but also i meet a lot of new people nice people friendly and I think good friends .

my week ends

My weekend starts at the fryday at 2:30 PM when i finish the school ,normaly i go home eat a litlie bit just at 3:00 tty han i go with my parents to the gym just at 6.30 pm than i rings a friend and ask him where he are now and I go with him ,and thats is my fryday ,saturnday i weekup late because its the onlist day who i can sleep a lot tha i have breacfast ,and now it depents on my sport if i have a match out side of roses i must be at 1:00 pm in figueres than whe go to the place where we play ,if we dont play i stay with friends and have a nice time ,usually we go out at the night we go to chic or to the mojito or sikim or we make our party and normally i arrive at homeat 4:30 am i wakeup at 11:00 am and i start doing my homework and i don't go out or stay with friend and at the night i watch a film and than I study for the exam if I have an exam .
soo thats my nomal weekend ahah

jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2011


thats anotyher freetime action what i make every 2 day.
I make it to be in form and to ingres in muscles haha .
I make a lot of weight exercices but always i make a half our of normal exercices like running or ciclyng tings like taht .than i start with the leg training i put a weight of 41 to 52 kg to push them up the next step are te back and the chest i put a midle of a 32 kg I don't want to injure me haha
then i make arms a weight of 10 kg for biceps and 20 o more for the front arms ,then i go to swimming a little bit and at least I go to the jakuzzi and to the sauna .the i go home relaxed but the next morning i have very big payn all over the body thats why i go only every 2 days.i hope i will be in a good form next summer and meet a lot of girls hahaha .not only for that i make it because i whant to make me a tatto and my opinion a tatto only fits on a good trained body .
So i must continue tu push up some weight ;)

my handball team

We are a creazy team haaha like a famili we have good times and bad times.
We go to parties ,why stay outside every day chilling a little bit .
we have very good timer with us but there are also bad things .
there are one that always is angry ,the other is always happy ,the other is always pessimistic ,the other is always borred ,and a lot of... other hahah .
but the important is that we fit like the fist onthe eye ( I don't know if this expression exist in Inglish because i take it from the german ) .
we all have our nick names ,one is the russian ,the german ,the keeper,the malas,the elena ,the niño ,the chines ,the rat , and a lot more of this hahahaha
in our free time we go out on parties or play videogames or play football but what we all love and make is hanball our favourite sport .

battlefield .3

Its the greatest video game of 2011.
Its amazing I have it since the first realese day its a tipical war game but not only shooting at people you can drive cars ,fly jets helicopters ,drive boats its amaizing .
battlefield is a production of EA games and DICE who makes the begin with the use of the frostbite technologie .
Its makes it ungradible real if you don't have the controler pad you can think you are a soldier in the middle of the battle field .
because of the bibration mode of the controler pad if a bullet impacts on a wall near you ,you notice it ,and because of the improvement of the sound sistem you hear the bullet like real .
battlefield reales two games one normal edition and one limited edition .I have the limited edition it contais a map pack ( a pack of four extra maps where you can play ) and four extra weapons and bullets .I'm proud to have one of this games .But i must say if you are a beginer i recomend you don't buy it its very complicated and in the online modi are only pros or very hardcore gamers .so have fun !!!

my summer

It was a mad summer,a lot of up and downs ,but it was great haha.
In the summer I worked in the restaurant of my parents and make a lot of money .And after the work normaly when it was saturndays i went to Chic a discotek 5 minutes far of my restaurant .This was the start of make real a dream since I have my scooter I always whant tunned up in a speed machine hahaha it has cost sic hundert euros it was expancive , but the scooter has reached a maximum speed of 125 km/h it was great to make little street races with cars hahaha but it wasn't for a long time 3 weeks and than the innerparts of the motor have brooken it was a piti because i can't showed them to all my friends and it was always a kick to drive near the police and to know if they stop you your father will kill you hahaha .than i must work another time because I must pay the reparation of my scooter i saied it was a up and down hahah .but it was also great driving a little rocket hahahah :)