jueves, 31 de mayo de 2012

Israel returns the remains of Palestinian bodies

Israel  returnet 91 bodys od palestinants who died in the israelian zone , the 91 bodys belongto suicidebombers and militatns which were in mission to kill people in israel . There are body which are in israel since 1975 .
The body were returned to break a mass hunger of the palestinian prisoners , they were araound 1500 prisoners who refused the food .
Now ,I think that they made a mistake retourning the bodys ,because they shows that they are not more strong ,but they are also the other side they make well because it can be a sight of tolerance.

miércoles, 23 de mayo de 2012

(6) eight days to euro cup

 finally the european football cup returns , I think this year it would be interesting just at the start because if we look at the groups we see for example that germany ,the netherlands ,portugal and danemarck are in the same group 3 big countris just start the trip compiting eachother , it will beinteresting ,I hoppe this year wins germany the cup I think they are a young team but the best ,spain is good but they are to old ,the same happens with  the netherlands,but i think England can be a hard team altaught lappard can't play , what more france can have a chance but I think not a the biggest i realy hoppe that germany wins the cup soo I can be happy and laught a bit about my friends  because they make the same with me the last european cup
And finally i think i will buy me the football shirt of the german team . I want see amaizing matches this time!!!

martes, 22 de mayo de 2012

(5) the new samsung galaxy

Yes! the new samsung galaxy S III ,came out ,samsung shows that they can make the same like applebut better !
the new phone i simply amaizing the new desing is also beautiful ,it is smaller ,rounder ,sexyer .the new design is completely diffred like the iphone 4S wich is like a mini large box ,than the server sistems Iphone use the IOS sistem  and the new samsung use the android sistem wich is already updated on the new sistem that cames out next month .
I want to buy it just when it cames out here in spain i think it is better and of course it is differed everybody has a Iphone today  , I don't say i don't like apple ,I have a Ipod touch 4G but wat I want to say is that It become normal for us at the begining it was a amaizing think but they must came up with a new product .

lunes, 21 de mayo de 2012

(4)the last 2 weeks of school

They will be the hardest of the year ,we haven't a exam every day but we have 3 or 4 evrey week and ,the will not be easy to pass them . the last one of catalan I think wasn't very good ,but i think i can make it better in the second and last exam befor the recupartion exams  this year i won't be by this exams they are a waste of time ,last year  I tought that I was mad to want pass 6 exams of recupartion it was a big fail not  to studi but this year I changed some subjects and BOOM I become better ,but I must say I studied diffred than last year
And I pay more attention than last year ,soo I think this last to week wont be a big problem continue like the last months and I haven't to go to the exam recuperation an than I can start with the real party  .

(3) my birthday

My birthday was the 25th may ,I become 18  yes !!!
I'm going to explain a little bit about the spectacular weekend  XD 
Last frieday I was at school like a normal day ,then I went home and I made some things ,than I went to my friends and we went to the beach and we played a bit beachsoocker  ,after them I went home and i had a shower and I wait and prepared a bit of snacks ,at my 9:00 p.m  came  my friends we started to watching the COPA DEL REI we were very happy and I take out the 30 liter barrel of beer and we started to drink It was a very funny night we all were very happy .at 5:00 a.m we went to bed .
Next morning we all stood up with a headeach  it felt like a plain landing on our heads ,at the same day we meet us an we went to the beach and relax a bit ,at 9:00 pm we eat at the PAGO PAGO ,some goof chiken XD .
After this we went to the freekiss and drink something ,at 1:00a.m we went to Chic an we stay there just at 5:00a.m . we went to bed and start the next day like a zomby ,but I must say it was my best weekend ever.

domingo, 20 de mayo de 2012

(2) Day in Barcelona

Its was a very funny day ,we started the journey at 8:00 a.m in Castello ,we took the bus to Barcelona,when  we arribed there at 11:00 a.m we take a little breakfast than when have time to have a look at the shops ,we take the tube to the " Blue museum" and we start looking animals and beautiful cristals ,we finished the tour at 14:00 and we went to Mc Donalds and have lunch . I had 20 nuggets ,I only eat them because  I didn't like the burgers ,after lunch we went shopping with our friends ,they were girls soo It means spend a lot of time in a lot of women shops ,but it was quite funny we laught a lot , at 18:00 we start the trip back home,we we were singing  and laughing all the trip,the only bad thing was that we had school next morning .

domingo, 13 de mayo de 2012

(1) Berlin.

Berlin is a city in Germany,the capital to be exact. 4 milion people live in Berlin .
Berlin is a city so there are a lot of skyscrapers and all its grey , but it isn't important.The city is divided in 12 quarters,each quarter is different ,there is the rich quarter,the bar and restaurants quarter,the students quarter...
In Berlin whichwas splitted in two parts as all remember there are the east side and the west side and eather there are not more splited you notice it when you enter in the east side,old buildings ,more greys than the others,dirtier,and more skyscrapers ,but I don't recomend you to enter, because this are ghettos its a sad place, not beautiful but very interesting because there is a lot of history .
The west side is full of lights shopping streets and shoppingcenters, its quiet funny there .The people are happy there not like in the east side. 
At the night I recomend you to go to the restaurants and bar quarter,ther bars and restaurants are not much more bigger than a classroom and they have a lot of special decoration like tables pasted on the top of the room ,the light cames only from candles.
If you want to see something  interestening you can go to the checkpoint charlie,the Madame tousaude museum.
When you ae there you must go on the top of the TV tower 300 m high,the skyline was simply amazing .
I enjoied a lot Berlin I hope I could explain you something new about the city and you enjoy your trip to Berlin.