martes, 22 de mayo de 2012

(5) the new samsung galaxy

Yes! the new samsung galaxy S III ,came out ,samsung shows that they can make the same like applebut better !
the new phone i simply amaizing the new desing is also beautiful ,it is smaller ,rounder ,sexyer .the new design is completely diffred like the iphone 4S wich is like a mini large box ,than the server sistems Iphone use the IOS sistem  and the new samsung use the android sistem wich is already updated on the new sistem that cames out next month .
I want to buy it just when it cames out here in spain i think it is better and of course it is differed everybody has a Iphone today  , I don't say i don't like apple ,I have a Ipod touch 4G but wat I want to say is that It become normal for us at the begining it was a amaizing think but they must came up with a new product .

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